Monday, June 10, 2013

Little Grace is surfin' the web!

My Guy leaves the computer in the table so I can write my blog.  He leaves it on the blogger site just for me.  A couple of weeks ago, Wendell (he is a total goober!) walked across the keyboard and the screen changed!  

Hmmmmmm.  It seems the Wendell has rather big feet.  We did quite a bit of investigation and we now can use Wendell to move around the internet.  
(I will be honest, my discovery has slowed down my blog writing.  Hey, it happens.)  So now, I spend hours trolling around the internet.  I have a set path...

First, I check the weather.  It is very important to know when the sun will be out.  I like to stake my window claim early.  My Suzanne has made it quite clear to the other cats that no one is allowed to pick on me so I pretty much get what I want.

Second, I check for Pet Food recalls.  This is very important.  I do not want to be sick and my Guy needs to know when something is bad, bad, bad.   I go straight to the source, the 

Third, I check for new cute cat videos.  Like the new one with Mystery!  So cute!  Chance and I practice doing cute things in hopes that one day my Suzanne will take a video of us.  I was in the Playtime video but I wasn't the star.  There needs to be one starring me and maybe Chance (certainly not Wendell).

Fourth, I check for funny dog videos.  (Yes, I do.)  Dogs are funny.  Do not misunderstand.... there is no room for a dog at my house.  I mean, really!!!

Fifth, I go to PetFinders and vote for the Tyra picture.  My Suzanne says that Orange Street Cats could get lots of money of Tyra wins!  And then I check the YouCaring site!  Right now, there is a fundraiser for Mystery.  I can't donate though.....Suzanne keeps her credit cards under lock and key after the last donation incident.

Sixth, I check Orange Street Cats website.  I like to see the cats that are available for adoption, who is available to foster, and if there any other upcoming events like PetApalooza! I wonder...what is PetApalooza anyway?  Is there going to be a band there? The Mouse Chasers or Milkbone featuring Barky Von Schnauser, maybe?

Lastly, I check my Suzanne's Facebook page.  One day, I saw a post shared by Dog House Adoptions  (who shared it from Maddie's Cornerthat explained fostering really, really well.  Remember when Radley posted the Scoop Issue 1 and he reported on the 12 cats in one week?  Remember when Chance posted about fostering?  (We seem to talk about fostering quite a bit here.  I guess it is that important!) This Facebook post that I saw is probably the best, most understandable description I have seen and I would like to share it.

"What does being a pet foster parent mean? Think of it as having a furry house guest who may be around for just a few weeks or several months. It may be a house guest who is like a foreign exchange student- he needs to learn the ropes a little, be educated about the culture and the rules. He may need a little extra TLC. Or this guest might be a fun-loving kid who fits right into your family and never misses a beat. 

Fostering is not adopting. It is not forever. You may fall in love with your guest and decide to adopt. "Foster failures", as they are called, do happen, but no one is going to pressure you to adopt.

Fostering is being a guardian angel. It is giving love and safety to an animal who may never have known these things. It is giving them confidence and joy and helping them get ready for their forever home.

The day your foster joins his new forever family will be like graduation day. Yes, there might be tears but like good teachers who give their students wings to fly, you will have given an animal a chance for a wonderful, happy life. Your heart will smile and swell with pride. You will have touched a life. You will have saved a life. The feelings you'll feel will flood your soul and fill you up. You will have made a difference! Isn't that what life is all about?"

See?  Doesn't that make a whole lot of sense?

So followers of my blog and Orange Street Cats, you know that OSC is bursting at the seams....we have some cats that need foster homes.  Some are listed on our website and one was listed in a new featured on Facebook called "Featured Foster of the week"  (I already told my Suzanne that the name is a little blase and needs some spicing up.  She said she would work on that...although an eye roll was involved).  The first cat featured is Mia!  I have never met Mia but I hear that she is very nice and maybe a little shy.  Hey, I get it.  I was the same way and look at me now!  I am a famous blogger.  (What Mom?  I am not famous?  We will see about that!)

Here is Mia's picture and some information on her.  
Mia ready for a foster home!
Mia is a beautiful little tortie. She is one of the 7 apartment cats. She has made some strides however needs some extra time to adjust to living in a house. She plays and allows petting sometimes. She needs a patient foster home who is willing to work with her. She can definitely come around in a new environment. She does like other cats and would be best with pal to help her along in her journey.

Email if you are interested in learning more about Mia or if you have questions about fostering in general.

Well folks...gotta go!  I hear there are some new dog videos that require my attention.  

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Mystery is a mystery!

There has been a lot of activity around Mystery these days and Little Grace suggested we use her blog to compile the story so it can be viewed in one place.  Thanks Little Grace!  
Little Grace: You're welcome!  This just gives me an excuse to procrastinate on my own blog post.  I am super busy you know!  
Yes, I know.  You have discovered a new friend.  
Little Grace:  Shhhhhh!  Don't tell!

We first posted the following update on Facebook on Sunday 6/2.....

Over that last few months, Mystery has made some incredible strides! She started to look up and use the litter box. We celebrate her victories with hearts filled with pride. Last Saturday (5/25), Mystery had a seizure and she was brought to the emergency vet. We were put on watch and wait duty until we could go see Dr. Bishop at Upstate Veterinary Specialties. She had a second seizure the same night. Her recovery time is is exhausting for her.
We saw Dr. Bishop on 5/29. Dr. Bishop performed some tests as the initial diagnosis phase. We thought she was stable until Foster Mom Diane observed a very BAD seizure on Saturday 6/1. We called the eVet who called Dr. Bishop. She has been put on anti-seizure meds until we can get a firm diagnosis and then treatment plan.
We already know an MRI and spinal tap are in order (already done). As a group, we are committed to Mystery and her care. This is likely going to be costly. That means that we will be tapping into our supporters for help again. We already have a couple of people who have sponsored some funds for Mystery's diagnosis and treatment plan. Within the next couple of days, when we have our ducks in a row, we will post a fundraising plan (Plan posted!...See YouCaring fundraiser). In the meantime, please pray (or send light and love, Reiki, good thoughts) for Mystery. We certainly cannot continue to help these special babies without you. Thank you.

Well, We finally did get our ducks in a row and created the YouCaring fundraiser.  We have been so pleased to see the love everyone has for sweet Mystery.
When we created the YouCaring fundraiser on Tuesday 6/4, we added this information to the page.....

Mystery: What’s happening right now (late May 2013)...
Seven days ago (Sat 5/25), Mystery started to have seizures that have progressively gotten worse.  We got her in right away with her neurologist. The initial tests were inconclusive.  The next step is to do an MRI and spinal tap in order to discover the cause of the seizures which will run about $2,500. We’re doing this for Mystery, to help get a diagnosis so we can give her a fighting chance at life. We've scheduled her tests for tomorrow.  If you can, please help Mystery by making a much needed donation today. 

More about Mystery... 
After an uncertain beginning, little Mystery, the kitten with neurological issues, has astonished us all with her progress over the last year and a half.  At first she was unable to walk, and now she runs, she needed help eating, after a short time she learned to eat on her own, she didn't know how to play, now she chases the scrunchy ball and she didn't understand where to ‘go potty’ and now she uses the litter box.  In her short life, learning the simplest kitten activities were a triumph that we all cheered!  It seems that with enough time Mystery could achieve almost anything and eventually become ‘normal’ cat. 

The seizures...
Then, just a couple weeks ago, the seizures started.  At first, the seizures seemed scary, until the last one, which was far more intense.   We had already taken her to an appointment with her neurologist and just the day before we learned that the next recommended step for Mystery was to schedule an MRI and a spinal tap so that we could discover the source of the seizures. And that’s what we will do (and did!).   

Mystery has come a long way because of our friends who've come to the house to cuddle and play with her and because of our caring Facebook friends who often send their well wishes, healing energy and prayers.  As we said above, the plan is to get Mystery the MRI and Spinal tap ASAP (completed Wed 6/5).  We appreciate any donation you can make and are grateful for your kind support.  Thank you for your generosity and thanks for caring about our special little cat named Mystery.

Since these posts, we have had many donations and some incredible words....

"Mystery is needed here to teach us about her gifts." -Pat Hughes

Note Mystery's pal Tabitha:
Dear Mystery, you go girl. It's my turn to nudge you on. When I was beaten and broken and our foster parents were giving me a fighting chance at surviving, you nuzzled me, you played with me and you loved me so. You gave me hope. Even though I moved on to my forever home, I think of you and love you so. Get better my sister, there is do much more in life for you to do for all the little ones you help care for like Luther. Look how you helped him too. Prayers and all my love, your sister always, Ms. Tabitha

"You're in good hands little one. Prayers to you" -Mel Collins

"Sending love and purrs to get well soon" -Luther, aka Mikey

Note from Tyra:
Mystery - me and my whole furmily are praying so hard for you. I'm trying really hard to get the money to help you Mystery. I will keep trying. Love, Tyra Natalie

We have also gotten many prayers, hearts, warm and positive thoughts from you, our amazing supporters.

As of Wed 6/5, 9:00 PM.  Mystery is was well enough to come home from UVS and is resting comfortably.  We expect to get test results and some initial diagnosis in a few days.  Please continue to watch Facebook for updates.

As always, THANK YOU!